Consoles and Accessories Tailored to Your Unique Needs

Every Evans Federal product is designed and built to suit your unique operational needs. The sit-stand and fixed console designs allow you to easily configure a workspace to suit both spatial and technological requirements. The technology tables, built with robust materials, support a wide array of equipment and offer functionalities like secure communication lines, integrated power solutions, and ergonomic features for extended use. Additionally, you can enhance the console solutions with a range of accessories, including customizable monitor arms, integrated cable management systems, and specialized storage units, all aimed at elevating efficiency and organization in our clients' command centers. With Evans Federal you get the ideal solution, ensuring a sophisticated, efficient, and customized operational environment. 

Fixed Height Consoles

Combine the latest in operator comfort and ergonomics with superior cable management and technology integration. The strong and durable metal frame is designed for heavy-duty use, and the improved structure provides more space inside the console. Products include Strategy Air & Strategy SX.  

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Sit-Stand Consoles

Variable height consoles can be adjusted for optimal productivity for your specific mission-critical environment. Products include Strategy Air Sit-Stand & Response NEXTGen. Each console can be modified according to personal needs – we can add Power Linc as a wiring system to deliver high power where it’s needed, or Ceramic heaters to control a workspace temperature, or Power Grommet, you name it.  

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Tech Tables 

Equip your command center with our Technology Tables, the flexible space that converts a conference room to an emergency command center. Designed specifically for the demands of military and federal operations, our tables provide a robust, secure, and ergonomic platform for all your critical technologies. From real-time data analysis and secure communications to command-and-control operations, our customizable tables are built to support your team's situational awareness and decision-making capabilities. 

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Durable Monitor Mounting

Evans Federal monitor mounting options provide versatility, flexibility, and durability for mission-critical environments, including Unity Arm, E-Arm and E-Arm Piston Assist. The powered Unity Arm provides ergonomic positioning, reducing strain and increasing productivity, while the E-Arm series features robust construction for heavy-duty use. Each mount is engineered with high-grade materials to withstand intense usage, ensuring longevity. With these mounts, clients benefit from a clutter-free environment, improved operational efficiency, and enhanced safety.  

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Accessories & Situational Awareness

Control room accessories that maximize your workspace enhance operator comfort and improve productivity. Solutions include EnviroLinc, LumiLinc, PowerLinc, and ChargeLinc. You can incorporate and customize our console based on your specific needs. For example, Enviro Linc, a personalized control that allows you to control temperature, tasks, lights, audio, and console height directly from the desktop touchscreen. Or Power Linc, a modular power distribution system that helps you deliver reconfigurable power where you need it the most. Reach out to us and learn more about console accessories.  

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